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Sony HVRM10U - C:31:23 Error Code

I have a Sony HVRM10U Deck. I bought it on EBAY 2 years ago and the Company I got it from said it had been tested and everything worked. When I got it I turned it on and tested it and it really did work like the owner said it would. I never got a chance to use it for about a year and when I was going to put it into service for the first time, it didn't play or record and I got the C:31:23 error code. I was a little bit upset because I never got to use it and paid over 500 for it. I put it on the shelf and forgot about it because I bought a NEW deck to replace it. I have had to lend out my NEW deck to some friends from time to time and this morning I took it off the shelf to take the "broke" deck to the shop. I decided to power it up one last time and still the error code showed up. I went online to find out what this code meant and stumbled upon this thread. I read about the "smack-a-Sony" process and did what everyone was raving about. I hit that deck as if it had taken my car keys at night and had an accident. It is so funny that this deck works now. Thanks to DEBBIE and the "smack-a-Sony" I have a working deck now.

Mon, 23 Mar 2015 01:42:56 +0300

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Title: Error Code C:31:23?
Weblog: Camera Hacker
Excerpt: Sony_DCR-TRV18 . . . When a DV tape is in the camera, an error message flashes with the code: C:31:23. When there is no tape, the error does not appear. I have cleaned the inside of my camera, tried different tapes, disconnected the battery, etc etc etc. yet this message will not go away and I canno . . .
Tracked: Mon, 23 Mar 2015 07:51:03 +0300

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