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Using Webcam as a Security Camera

I would like to use my Logitech webcam as a continuously running-recording security camera. The Logitech webcam software, however, keeps on recording endlessly, which results in huge huge files that are too large to be useful. (We're talking files the in the gigabytes.) There's no loopback setting to stop, close, and create new files at intervals.

Logitech support isn't helpful beyond a vague reference to using third-party software.

(Ironically, Logitech makes security cameras that I guess are not compatible! How nice!)

Do you have any recommendations for specific third-party webcam software?

Fri, 28 Nov 2014 03:39:17 +0300

If you have some programming skills, you can script your own automation on top of the Logitech webcam software using AutoHotkey. AutoHotkey is a free software that lets you automate your computer as if you are sitting there.

Fri, 28 Nov 2014 03:54:02 +0300

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