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simultaneously recording with 2 webcams

I have one logitech 9000 webcam.

( If I get another one. )
Is it possible to simultaneously record with both webcams.

What software shall I use ?

Goran Nilsson
Tue, 01 Apr 2008 20:18:15 +0000

What do you mean? do you mean recording two different things and storing them as two separte files? Or do you mean combining the two videos? What are you going to do with the two videos?

Chieh Cheng
Tue, 01 Apr 2008 20:21:44 +0000

I mean storing them as two separte files.
Then I combine in Sony Vegas video-editing-software.

And they should record absolutely simultaneously.
Just as when you record 2 stereotracks (4 mics) in some audio recording software.

I will record music-videos.
And I want to record at laest 2 video(webcam)-tracks
plus at least 2 audio-stereo-tracks.

Goran Nilsson
Wed, 02 Apr 2008 09:52:51 +0000

I see. That's sounds a lot easier to do than all the wild ideas I thought you might be talking about. :-)

In Windows XP, and I would assume Vista, the operating system recognizes each digital imaging device separately. So with a video recording software that has the capability, you could pick the recording source. Windows Movie Maker that came with Windows XP has that capability. Windows Movie Maker that came with Windows Vista has that capability as well, but only for DV (Firewire) devices.

Now, once you understand that concept, you just have to find a video recording software that allows you to pick recording sources and be able to start multiple instance of it. What this means is that you can start two copies and run them at the same time. And if you can do that, then you can just pick two different source for the recording.

Take a look Unreal Media Server software suite that I mentioned in "video streaming over the Internet". The suite could probably do what you want to do.

Chieh Cheng
Wed, 02 Apr 2008 18:12:14 +0000

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