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Creating Negative Art with any Film or Digital Camera

Do you have any pointers on how I can created a negetive, from a digital Image? I understand that I can create a digital negetive. But, how do I use it to make a solid negetive, which I can use in a random photo store to get the originals? (If I need one later).

Gopal Nair
Sat Dec 18 09:28:14 PST 2004

Easiest way is to display the image you want to convert to negative on a flat-screen monitor or LCD. Use a rectilinear lens (and if the image is small, use a 1:1 macro lens) and shoot it on a film camera loaded with regular negative film. I have done that a few times and it works pretty well.

Chieh Cheng
Sun Dec 19 11:19:35 PST 2004

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