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Sony DCR-TRV350 Self-Diagnosis Display

What is wrong with camera when i constantly get a C: message i remove and replace the tape, it goes away and then reappears sure hate to give Sony 269 to fix a 400 dollar camera . ia m dissappointed that it would gon the fritz after very few uses

Mon, 10 Oct 2005 13:23:34 -0700

I had the same problem with a brand new (and very expensive!) Sony digital camcorder. Sony told me the heads were dirty. It was brand new!!!!!

Fri, 21 Oct 2005 12:14:18 -0700

My new Sony DCR-HC24E gives C:04:00 (Use InfoLithium) and shuts down when used with a new Sony NP-FP90 battery, but not with the supplied NP-FP30 battery. It seems there is some incompatibility within the same series.

Tue, 21 Feb 2006 12:40:23 -0800

My sony dcr-trv350 is 3 yrs. old used twice two yrs. ago in aug. now the view finder and the screen dose not show any thing when you turn it on and sony wants 211.00 to fix it. repair shops local do not work on cams any more but said sony has a prob. and they know! but they still want 211.00 to fix it sony crap!!!! so i gave over 500.00 to use it two times.

David Gilkerson
Thu, 10 Aug 2006 11:24:53 -0700

If you follow the steps as it says it step by step according to the error message that is showing at the time, it works well to fix it. THANK YOU!!! I can record my trip to my cousin's in mexico now!

Mon, 17 Mar 2008 07:17:17 +0000

the first page says c31;23 is an S reel fault. I removed the cassette and moved the white wheels inside the mechanism and it fixed it

Wed, 08 Apr 2009 04:39:00 +0000

saya mempunyai masalah dengan sony digital 8 DCR-TRV355E, masalahnya pada layar timbul code C:31:30, semua saran dari buku manual sudah saya lakukan tetapi tetap tidak ada hasil. langkah berikutnya saya bawa ke service dieler resmi, setelah di perbaiki kembali seperti semula hanya beberapa minggu (3)/ pemakaian 3 kaset non stop terulang kembali dan itu sempat saya service kembali yang ke dua dan hasilnya tetap sama cuman bertahan 2 kaset. kemudian saya coba ikut saran dari dieler sony untuk ganti motor loadding setelah diganti masalah tidak timbul cuman ambil (4 kaset) dan masalah itu timbul kembali. saya merasa di buat percobaan ..sampai sekarang saya udah bosan harus service terus dan berapa kali saya harus service?....mohon permasalahan saya ini dapat ditanggapi dieler sony dan dapat pemecahannya...


joko sulistiyo
Sun, 14 Jun 2009 08:55:04 +0000

There are other manufacturers of video equipment so we do have a choice. Sony manufactures crap - this is the SECOND camera to give me the c 31:42 'finger' - and Sony lies about the problem and the fix.
The problem is apparently NOT a power glitch, and powering down (all night) and powering up again does NOT fix the problem.
The first cam did not even eject the damn tape! I include a picture of how I got the tape out of the camera for a court appearance I needed it for... oh well I threw the wreckage (literally) away so my advice is as follows
stop buying Sony crap and maybe they will stop producing crap.
Stop buying tape - digital has no moving parts and memory is lots cheaper now.
If I find the debris I will repost with a picture.

joseph bodden
Thu, 01 Apr 2010 21:54:37 +0000

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