Forums: Film Camera: Disposable
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Hi I just stumbled upon your website and saw how you found out how to reuse the Kodak disposable cameras. I just finished using a LeCLic disposable camera (the transparent blue one) and don't want to throw it away because I like it so much and was wondering if you tell me how to reuse it! Thanks.
Craig Barber
Mon May 28 23:02:30 PDT 2001
I have never worked with a LeClic disposable camera before. But I think if you follow along with my article, you will have an idea how to get started on pulling it apart. Don't operate on the one you just finish shooting, since you probably don't want to lose any pictures. Buy a new one and operate on that. Once you figure it out, then pull the one you shot apart.
Good luck.
Chieh Cheng
Mon May 28 23:23:58 PDT 2001
I doubt that reusing these cameras makes much sense (of course just for fun it is ok :-))) - recently I disassembled some (Kodak, Fuji, Agfa), just because of the flash units (I am trying to make a submini flash for my submini cameras). FYI out of the types I explored Agfa has two-member lens (ie. it should be a little bit better shooter). Q: Do you know what guide number has the flash unit in these camerase? My estimate is about 5-8 for 100 ASA film (calculated from the flash capacitor voltage and capacity).
Kamil Horák
Mon Jun 4 04:18:38 PDT 2001
How did you calculate that? Do you know the f-stop for the lens on the Agfa camera that you were experimenting with?
Chieh Cheng
Thu Jun 28 16:55:29 PDT 2001
To refill the Kodak Camera's without going through the hassles of darkrooms etc, follow your instructions until you get to winding the film, if you look at the front just under the shutter, you will find Two holes, You need to stuck something round into both the holes which will disengage the Mechanism allowing you to snap the camera back together, and wind away anywhere.
As another note, the Agfa "LeBox" camera's are far simpler to modify as they are all standard, you will need to make a jig to wind the film back using rubber to drive the inside of the wind spool.
Don't even bother with the Fiji's they are Crappy and true "Throwaways"
Mon Jul 16 00:34:53 PDT 2001
Kamil: Maybe this would be useful for someone with a child, as a way to intro them to photography, but you don't know how they'll like it or whether they will treat a good camera well... when you have gauged their interest to be significant and their care adequate, then they could be rewarded with a 'real' camera.
Jeremy Taylor
Wed Feb 13 11:57:39 PST 2002
I also re-used a Kodak Ultra (different name in Europe - same camera), but I modified it in a different way so I can use film cans without modification: "" It's German, but I think the pictures speak for themselves.
Mon May 13 02:25:47 PDT 2002
Don't forget to discharge the big capacitor on the flash cameras or you could be in for a awful surprise when you're fumbling around in the dark with it!
Sun Jun 30 21:36:31 PDT 2002
Does anyone try to re-use the outdoor max (waterproof camera with blue plastic cover)? I can't start to dissemble it because it's seems all sealed.
Mon Jul 1 01:34:40 PDT 2002
I just got one of those Kodak waterproof camera two weeks ago. I haven't started taking it apart yet, because I'm not done shooting with it yet.
Chieh Cheng
Mon Jul 1 09:17:43 PDT 2002
That's a good trick! Any idea for self-portraits with one-use cameras?
Will B
Tue Jul 16 06:05:02 PDT 2002
Check out these links:
May be difficult, because the Konica is no longer in production. But other panoramic one-use-cameras can be modiefied in a similar way, I think.
Tue Jul 16 06:31:32 PDT 2002
Is there an alternate use for the lens and shutter assembly? Your web sight has got me thinking. These lenses might be useable in a homemade box camera with roll film or posibily 4x5 film. The image would certainly be sharper than a pinhole camera. I have not tried this yet, any ideas would be welcome.
Mon Aug 19 21:18:38 PDT 2002
I don't see why you can't use the lens and shutter assembly with roll film or 4x5 film. All you really have to do is extend the film plane back farther. You can do this by mounting the lens and shutter in a bigger box with the bigger film mounted on the back of the box.
Chieh Cheng
Tue Aug 20 09:33:46 PDT 2002
Are you able to reload the Kodak waterproof camera ?
Sun Mar 2 08:08:37 PST 2003
The Kodak waterproof camera is re-loadable. However, you have to break the seal in the waterproof case to get to the camera. The waterproof case can be re-used as a splash-proof case. You can probably make it waterproof again by sealing it with waterproof tape.
Chieh Cheng
Mon Mar 3 11:00:39 PST 2003
Look for the Konica Film-in Waterproof. It's re-loadable and the case has a rubber seal. It's still waterproof after reloading.
Tue Apr 29 06:34:30 PDT 2003
Genialna strona! W?a?nie przerobi?em jednorazowego Kodak Fun Gold - szkoda by?o mi go wyrzuca�, a tak w?a?nie zosta? ponownie za?adowany filmem Ilford PAN 400. Pozdrownienia dla majsterkuj?cych rodak�w :]
Hi there. I just prepared Kodak Fun Gold disposable camera with Ilford PAN 400. It seems to be genial to reuse a silly plastic camera with BW film :] Cheers!
Fri Nov 21 17:54:00 PST 2003
How do you dis-charge the big capacitor on the camera? I have done this to another camera but also got to discharge the capacitor through my body:(
Some One
Wed Nov 24 13:27:35 PST 2004
We're going to Brazil for winter vacation. We will be bringing about a dozen single-use cameras, some regular, some Gold Max, some switchable APS, some underwater. It just doesn't pay to bring an expensive-looking camera to some places, and no thief in his right mind would bother to steal an already used single-use camera!
Rather than return to the U.S. with all of these cameras whole (in our carry-on luggage due to the high intensity x-rays used on checked baggage), it would be much easier to unload the film in Brazil and dump the cameras there.
So, my question is along the lines of how to do that. I did see some instruction on this in your web-site, but one thing puzzles me. Before opening the camera, aren't you supposed to rewind the film all the way back into its canister? If so, how is that done?
Also, where do you get one of those Kodak disposable camera tools, or can you get by with just a simple screwdriver?
Thank You for the help!
Bob LeBreux
Sun Dec 26 18:17:31 PST 2004
The film are wound back into the film cartridge as you shoot. Everytime you rotate the film advance wheel, a frame is stored into the film roll. So when you are done, the entire negative is in the cannister.
Chieh Cheng
Mon Dec 27 13:31:27 PST 2004
It was said above, but let me say it again...
Discharge the capacitor before mucking around inside!
I used to work in a film processing lab, and we disected these all the time. I thought I knew what I was doing, till one day, I touched the capacitor. Worst shock I've ever received.
BTW - In the old days these disposables didn't always use that odd film gear. They used normal spools.
Tue, 13 Sep 2005 13:44:54 -0700
We used to take these apart and create franken-cameras when I was a lab tech in a photo lab. My favorite hack was to pop out the lens and shutter mechanism and replace with a circle of tinfoil with a pinprick in it. Add a piece of electrical tape for improvised shutter and voila! instant pinhole camera!
John I.
Tue, 13 Sep 2005 14:20:43 -0700
they sell disposable type bodies you can reload with new film, water proof ones also. Save the time because that's worth something. got one for 12 dollars and it works great. "" Not digital of course "" They also have one w/ flash. I don't recall the brand...
Tue, 13 Sep 2005 14:38:26 -0700
go to walgreens, buy any one of these three camera's for either, 10, 20, or 40 bucks, and you get free film for the life of the camera, rather than buying a cheap camera for 3 dollars less, you get free film forever, it works out to be alot cheaper over time
Walgreens | Shop | Cameras | 35mm Cameras
Laura Taylor
Wed, 14 Sep 2005 11:42:49 -0700
How do you make the 35mm film fit in the camera i need more explanation. Not Just how to cut it but where and how? Can you include pictures
Wed, 2 Nov 2005 13:25:17 -0800
Did you try clicking on "<< Back to Article"? There are quite a few pictures there, including a picture of where the 35mm film fit . . .
Chieh Cheng
Wed, 2 Nov 2005 21:12:54 -0800
can you change the film in the walgreen cameras yourself? i don't live in usa so processing film at walgreens store is not possible.
Wed, 4 Jan 2006 12:25:23 -0800
I like the idea of recycling. We have made one film for recycling Kodak single use camera. With our film, you can simply open the back cover and insert the whole roll of film and close the back cover and you are ready to shoot the film. I would email you the film again.
Vitoria Lim
Tue, 4 Apr 2006 09:12:51 -0700
Yes you can reload most disposable cameras. One thing you have to remember, each time you take a photo it winds into the cassette, so it starts outside the protective case in the disposable camera. You need a dark box or dark room to load them. Practice in the light with your eyes closed to get the idea. Any light with 4oo iso or higher with cause film fogging. I've loaded most of them, the waterproof ones are the most fun.
Len Douglas
Sat, 08 Jul 2006 04:40:46 -0700
Excellent site. I was getting sick of looking at more and more wastage with superexpensive "ming-vase" cameras that break at the slightest sign of trouble- and empty your pockets too!
I bought myself a camera from drogerie markt in germany, shot off the 27-exposures and opened it up. It is as you mention for the Kodak, with film rolling back into the canister. However the difference appears to be that the "opened film" seems to be running loose. The film-travel appears to happen on a little toothed wheel near the turn-forward mechanism. A picture of the back-end is attached.
I have 2 questions:
1. how can i make multiple exposures on the same frame, i.e. block the mechanism that forces me to go ahead each frame (it is clearly spring loaded, but if i inactivate it, then the shutter control is also lost!).
2. can i play with exposure time without discarding the shutter mechanism a la pinhole?
thanks and prost!
Thu, 25 Jan 2007 17:21:44 -0800
wow, this is an excellent article and great idea. Thanks for putting this together.
I just got a LOMO (Lomographic Lomolito) disposable camera (w/ blue flash) for free and am already wondering if I can re-use the body... I'd LOVE to take this a few steps further... Using a LOMO disposable... Putting in Velvia E-6 film... Getting it cross processed in C-41. Now THAT would be sick! I'm so interested.
Maybe I'll try it with this or a second Lomolito I'll buy. But anybody else ever try reloading film in a Lomolito? I am sooooo interested. TIA Cheers... david
Wed, 04 Jul 2007 14:30:07 -0700
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Title: how to re-use the KONICA BY-37899 Super Wide Disposable Camera with Flash
Weblog: Camera Hacker
Excerpt: I'm wondering if you've ever taken a look at the Konica Super-Wide disposable cameras. As far as I know, they are not easy to find...I remember them being announced a while back during some convention (thus posted on the internet and photo mags) but I have never seen them in stores. I bought a co . . .
Tracked: Wed, 5 Oct 2005 13:19:45 -0700
Title: reloading an 8-lens camera
Weblog: Camera Hacker
Excerpt: here's a fun reason to want to reload: i have a fujifilm 8-lens camera (like lomo oktomat). i would love to reload it with B&W film. anyone who can help me figure out how to load this: email me at my mac dot com address of sunbearspam . thanks! justin
Tracked: Wed, 5 Oct 2005 13:20:28 -0700
Title: reload Kodak waterproof disposable camera
Weblog: Camera Hacker
Excerpt: Was there any pictures to show how to reload the waterproof cameras? I am having a hard time poping open the kodak. thanks!
Tracked: Mon, 31 Jul 2006 10:13:19 -0700
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